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About Our Church

Kingston Baptist Church

Kingston Baptist Church is located in Kingston Idaho. It was established in 1987 and is part of the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention. 

Declaration of Faith

  We, as New Testament Baptists, believe in the historical Baptist belief that a scriptural church is a democracy of believers meeting in some local place, sovereign and autonomous in deciding matters of church policy and affiliation, and composed only of persons who profess to have been born again and have been immersed in water upon their confession of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

  In common with Baptists of all ages and nations, we believe in the plenary and verbal inspiration and authority of the scriptures; in the pre-existence, the incarnation through His virgin birth and essential deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; in His substitutionary and atoning death providing redemption through His shed blood; His bodily resurrection; in His ascension and exaltation into Heaven; in His present mediatorial high priestly office; in the gift of the person and work of the Holy Spirit; and in our Lord's personal, visible return and His ultimate kingdom and reign.

This is our declaration as expanded in "The Baptist Faith and Message," adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention on June 14, 2000. 

Who we are

     We are a community of believers that worship God the Father, Christ the Son and, The Holy Spirt. We believe the Bible is the unchangeable word of God given to us through His prophets from His Holy Spirit. We support our community, our country, and our world. We believe our mission is to take Gods word into this world, teaching and making disciples of all the nations through the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us. We are the Ambassadors of the Living God and with His love we can move mountains.

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